How long until autumn?

There is less left for autumn to arrive and the coolness (and the rains) return. Autumn is the season that comes after summer and precedes winter. It begins with the autumn equinox and ends with the winter solstice, although due to changes in climatic and atmospheric conditions there have been alterations in the dates that these periods begin.

We must also bear in mind that depending on the hemisphere we are in, autumn will begin on one date or another. Therefore, in the Northern Hemisphere, this season begins on September 21st and ends on December 20th . On the other hand, in the southern hemisphere it happens from March 21st to June 20.

In the following counters you can find how long until autumn according to the hemisphere:

North Hemisphere

Southern hemisphere

⏳ Other counters

📜 What should you know about autumn?

The name of the autumn season comes from the Latin "autumnus", which has been linked to the root "augeo-" which means "increase" as the increase or fullness of the year.

With the arrival of autumn, the temperature begins to drop, the leaves of the deciduous trees change their color to brown tones until they fall and are peeled until next spring, which will come out again.

During this season different important celebrations take place: In the Anglo-Saxon area the best known are Thanksgiving Day and Halloween. In Spanish-speaking countries, the most important holiday is All Saints Day which is celebrated on 1st November and Dia de los Muertos which varies in days depending on the region.

🔥 The discount of the autumn 🔥

🤔 Did you know ...?

Autumn depresses you as sunlight decreases and temperatures drop, which affects our bodies by alternating the cycle of wakefulness and sleep.

Autumn makes your hair fall out due in part to what was mentioned in the previous point, although it is not entirely clear, but it could be associated with a change in climatic factors.

People born in autumn live longer, that is what a study has revealed in the Journal of Aging Research, observing that babies born in this season have a greater chance of reaching the one hundred years.

In autumn they fall in love with you, it could not be all bad at this time, according to a study reveals, a greater number of people leave their single status and you can be one of them

Autumn is the best season to lose weight since we have the best climate for outdoor sports, which helps to lose weight, yes, you have to be the / the one that goes out to do sport. © 2025. All rights reserved.

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